Formatting for Publishing
There are tricks and tips when publishing a manuscript that you can learn by doing a university degree in Publishing and Professional Writing (as I did), watching YouTube clips, which will give you the broad brush strokes, or invest in professional software such as Adobe InDesign or a free version of Scribus. All great options! However, dealing with the ‘orphans’ and ‘widows’ and other requirements to produce a more professional novel takes time and effort.
Your job is to write the best story you can and iron out the wrinkles with editing and redrafting/reworking. Once you are happy with your manuscript, Jaymah can format it and create the file needed to self-publish.
The cost of the service varies depending on several factors:
- the manuscript is text only
- graphic images or pictures to be included
- images to be colour or black and white
- number of pages to be formatted
To find out more and set up a meeting,